The Academy of Snohomish is a K-12 Christian educational program characterized by its quality, affordability, and faith-based curriculum, which integrates homeschooled students with teacher facilitators in a physical facility. We offer families a comprehensive educational experience by integrating distance learning, homeschooling extensions, and a structured classroom routine, thereby addressing planning, grading, and record-keeping issues.
The K-2 program located at our Good Shepard campus emphasizes Christian principles, prioritizing character development and stewardship through a Bible-based, individualized approach. It offers comprehensive academic instruction while fostering effective study habits and self-motivation.
The elementary hybrid-step program emphasizes English, Mathematics, Social Studies, and writing. Facilitated by a qualified teacher, this program equips students with a solid foundation for transitioning to junior high while maintaining traditional faith values. The elementary program promotes parental engagement in their child's education through in-class volunteering, educational planning, assessments, and adaptable educational modifications.
The High School program, though demanding and academically rigorous, enables students to allocate less time to classroom instruction and more time to explore additional areas of interest that they find more engaging. These experiences assist students in identifying college programs that align with their interests and intended career trajectories.
Core classes occur in our facility from Monday to Thursday mornings. Fridays are designated for teacher grading, student homework, and personal time, accessible to students and parents. The integration of supplemental time beyond the classroom is a vital characteristic of The Academy Model, which effectively promotes significant success for students both academically and in broader contexts.