The Good Shepherd Campus at TAS provides children with an environment that stimulates natural curiosity, creativity, and imagination. The GS classroom is vivid and busy, emphasizing hands-on learning activities. Our classroom activities provide children with many opportunities for learning and discovery while ensuring their emotional and physical well-being while they are in our care.
Our Philosophy
The primary goal of Good Shepherd classrooms are to provide an environment where children can grow academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually. In addition, we believe that the role of the teacher is to provide opportunities for children to learn to be respectful of each other, think and solve problems for themselves, and learn to appreciate God's love for them. Our teachers are committed to helping students learn at their full potential and to provide vibrant and fun learning opportunities where learning can flourish through the use of songs, activities and thematic units.
Our teachers are mindful that if we want children to learn to be respectful, then it is most important that we model what that looks like in how we treat our students. We want to help them learn practical ways to listen, be considerate of others and also how to peacefully resolve conflicts.
4-5 years old
3-4 years old
3 years old